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Emission trading: EnBW regrets that the EU Commission has decided not to voice its legal reservations as a result of factors unrelated to the matter at hand

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Karlsruhe. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG believes that the objection filed with the EU Commission and the arguments that support it have been confirmed by the reservations of the Commission as reported in the press regarding the content of the German allocation regulations and their effect on competition in the energy market.

It is apparent that factors that are not related to the issue itself, not least the political pressure applied by the Germany's Federal Environment Ministry, have prompted the EU Commission to shelve its reservations concerning the content and legal aspects of the legislation in question. EnBW regrets this development. EnBW is generally of the opinion that considerations of legality should take preference over individual political interests.

EnBW will now wait for the written explanatory statement of the EU Commission outlining the reasons why the objection has been rejected. After evaluating this statement, EnBW will decide which further steps it intends to take. EnBW will certainly exhaust all available legal avenues offered by German and international courts.

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Corporate Communications
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Durlacher Allee 93
76131 Karlsruhe
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