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Orderly proceedings for the sale of Salamander are underway

EnBW criticises "rumours and speculations"
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Still no decision - "We are looking for the best rather than the fastest solution"

Kornwestheim/Karlsruhe. In a press release published on Monday, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, majority shareholder of Salamander AG, emphasised that the orderly process begun in the spring and aimed at reorganising the shareholder structure of Salamander AG is progressing according to schedule. EnBW criticised reports that decisions had already been made in this matter as "the result of rumours that had been spread maliciously and often repeated with complete disregard for the facts." The company also said that the inventors and spreaders of these rumours were probably unaware of the potential harm caused by their actions.

According to EnBW, no decisions have yet been made on the sale of Salamander. Negotiations with interested parties are still in progress, and there is no pressure to arrive at a quick solution: All the parties are looking not for a quick sale but for an optimum solution that also secures a sustainable, long-term basis for the operations of Salamander’s footwear division.

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Corporate Communications
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Durlacher Allee 93
76131 Karlsruhe
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