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1684928700000 | IR Press Release

EnBW successfully issues two Swiss Franc bonds

Total issuance volume CHF 410 million
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Karlsruhe. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG today issued two bonds via its subsidiary EnBW International Finance B.V. with a volume of 165 million Swiss francs (maturity of 3 years) as well as 245 million Swiss francs (maturity of 6 years). The settlement date for both bonds will be 15 June 2023. Repayment will be made accordingly on 15 June 2026 and 15 June 2029. The bonds have a coupon of 2.250 percent and 2.625 percent.

On 12 July 2023, EnBW will repay a bond issued in 2013 in the amount of approximately 100 million Swiss francs as scheduled. In addition to refinancing this bond, the Swiss franc bonds now issued also serve to finance and hedge EnBW's activities in Switzerland. "Raising funds in Swiss francs is in line with our financing strategy," emphazises Thomas Kusterer, CFO of EnBW. "EnBW covers its financing needs in Swiss francs at favorable conditions. At the same time, we are maintaining our investor base in Switzerland with this transaction and continue to diversify our funding in the capital markets."

Information on the bonds at a glance

Issue size
CHF165 million
CHF245 million
Issue size
CHF165 million
3 years
CHF245 million
6 years
Issue size
CHF165 million
2,250 %
CHF245 million
2,625 %
Issue size
Issue price
CHF165 million
100,050 %
CHF245 million
100,661 %
Issue size
CHF165 million
EnBW International Finance B.V.
Issue size
CHF165 million
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Issue size
Issue ratings
CHF165 million
A- (S&P), Baa1 (Moody’s)
Issue size
CHF165 million
Issue size
CHF165 million
15. June 2026
CHF245 million
15. June 2029
Issue size
First coupon date
CHF165 million
15. June 2024
CHF245 million
15. June 2024
Issue size
Lead Managers
CHF165 million
BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA, Commerzbank AG
Issue size
CHF165 million
SIX Swiss Exchange


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Martina Evers
Group Spokesperson
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