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EnBW swaps generating capacity of 800 MW with E.ON and acquires a 50.4 percent interest in Rostock power station – the transaction is part of a deal between EnBW, EDF and E.ON.

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Karlsruhe. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG acquires E.ON’s 50.4 percent stake in Rostock power station and the related procurement of electricity of 256 megawatts as well as electricity procurement rights from Buschhaus power station of 159 megawatts. In addition, EnBW and E.ON have swapped procurement rights for electricity from nuclear power plants equivalent to an installed output of 800 megawatts in each case. The purchase and swap of capacities are part of a deal between EnBW, E.ON and EDF, taking effect from 1 January 2010. The transaction is still subject to the approval of the anti-trust authorities. It was agreed to maintain secrecy as to the financial details of the transaction.

For EnBW, the electricity procurement swap involves quantities of electricity from E.ON’s nuclear power plants in Germany. In return, E.ON will take over EnBW’s electricity quantities from EDF’s nuclear power plants in France.

“The acquisition of shares in Rostock power station and the rights to procure electricity from German power stations will increase our generating capacity in Germany by a total of 1,200 megawatts. This not only gives us more flexibility on the German electricity market. We are also literally bringing our electricity closer to our customers. We have always emphasised that one of our key strategic goals is to strengthen and expand our generating capacity in Germany. This step combined with the shares acquired in the Lippendorf and Bexbach power stations in May and our persistent efforts to expand the use of renewable energies has brought us a long way towards our goal within just a few months”, says Hans-Peter Villis, CEO of EnBW.

To strengthen its generating position, EnBW has secured the rights for four offshore wind farms with a total output of some 1,200 megawatts and only recently at the end of February 2009 acquired three new onshore wind farms consisting of a total of 26 wind turbines and a total output of 52 megawatts. EnBW additionally plans to enlarge Iffezheim hydroelectric power station, adding another turbine with an output of 38 megawatts. With this new fifth turbine, Iffezheim hydroelectric power station will in future provide a total output of 148 megawatts. This makes Iffezheim one of the largest run-of-the-river power stations in Europe. Preparatory measures for the construction work have already started at Iffezheim. At the end of May this year, EnBW acquired E.ON’s 50 percent stake in Unit S of the Lippendorf coal power station and their 8.3 percent share of the Bexbach coal power station. With the acquisition of E.ON’s share in Lippendorf, EnBW now has more than 880 megawatts of installed capacity. Before this acquisition in May, EnBW already had a stake in the Lippendorf and Bexbach power stations.

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Corporate Communications
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Durlacher Allee 93
76131 Karlsruhe
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