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Our Energy for more Diversity

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Rethinking energy also means blazing new trails.

This is only possible when we work together – which is why team spirit is so important to us. At EnBW, around 27,000 employees work hard every day to shape the energy world of tomorrow. In a wide variety of fields, they make a vital contribution to helping us achieve our goals and making our vision a reality. Across all of the teams in our company, every single one of us is an important part of a big idea, a revolution, and one of the most exciting and forward-looking topics of our time: the energy that moves us all.

The unique combination of flexibility and openness is what makes working at EnBW truly unique.

Ronald Opoku

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We support your health and well-being

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Our Occupational Health Management (OHM) looks after the mental and physical well-being of our employees at eight medical centers with a team of around 40 specialists. Among other things, this allows us to provide you with around 100 health offers every year to make sure that you are full of healthy energy that you can invest in the future.

Everyone is welcome
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At EnBW, we do not discriminate on the basis of social or ethnic background, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, ideology or religion, age, or physical or mental ability. We promote equal opportunities and respect for everyone.

Grafik barrierefreies Arbeiten
Frau mit Herz in der Hand

We promote female power

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Gender equality in the workplace is still far from where it should be. Through various programs,

we support women on their way to the top and make sure that we have a healthy mix. After all, we understand that diverse teams of men and women are able to tackle challenges in a more creative and innovative way.

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On Girls’ Day, companies, factories, and universities across Germany open their doors to girls and young women in the 5th grade and up. The girls have the chance to learn about skilled professions and courses of study in IT, trades, science, and technology – fields in which women are

traditionally underrepresented. Or they meet with female role models in leadership positions in the fields of science and politics.

EnBW has participated in Girls’ Day since 2004: Girls can learn about skilled technical professions, visit EnBW locations, and even complete real-world tasks in order to gain hands-on experience.

For more information and to sign up, go to

Girls` day

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Would you like to develop your professional or personal skills and have regular discussions with others in order to gain a new perspective? The Mentoring@EnBW Program matches up potential mentors and mentees at EnBW. All employees are welcome to apply. We will then help you with the matching process and provide you with information, methods, and a structure for your mentoring sessions, which you can then carry out independently. For female trainees, we also offer the program WomEnergy².

Mentoring programs

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Naturally, EnBW also has its own internal women’s network. With Women@EnBW, you can connect with role models within the organization. Moreover, we play an active role in public women’s networks such as (network for women in renewables), BeFF (Berufliche Frauenförderung e.V.), Spitzenfrauen BW (female role models in Baden-Württemberg), Femtec (network for women in tech), and Global Digital Women.

Women’s networks

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Part-time leadership, remote leadership, and shared leadership are all leadership models that we have already implemented in various departments here at EnBW. In this way, we ensure that leadership positions are compatible with every lifestyle. This allows us to foster a diverse and inclusive working environment in which everyone can develop their full potential. At EnBW, we understand that the future of work is diverse and multifaceted. Innovative leadership concepts are one way to meet the needs of our employees.

Part-time leadership

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EnBW has been a member of the “Chef:innensache” Initiative for many years now. The network is committed to making gender balance a top management priority. The driving force behind the initiative is a network of leaders from private-sector companies and public institutions. The patron of the organization is German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The initiative wants to use new concepts and approaches to change the mindset in the world of work.

“Chef:innensache” Initiative

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We are a sponsor of the Deutscher Ingenieurinnenbund e.V. (the German Association of Female Engineers, or “dib” for short). For 30 years, dib has advocated for women in technical careers. Alongside peer support for professional and technical questions, the group’s focus is on national and international lobbying and committee work.

You can find more information here.

Deutscher Ingenieurinnenbund e. V.

Meet some of our women in power

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Claudia Berger is one of our site managers and a hydropower planner. She is helping EnBW with its switch to renewable power generation.

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Heike Müller works in radiation protection and is responsible for disposal of radioactive waste. She is helping us to securely dismantle our nuclear power plants.

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