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Joint Press Release Transmission System Operators Cegedel, Elia, EnBW TNG, E.ON Netz, RTE, RWE TSO and TenneT

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EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
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CASC-CWE comes to life:

a milestone is set towards a common electricity market

Transmission System Operators in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and The Netherlands have now set up their joint service company, further to green light from the European Commission.

The Transmission System Operators Cegedel Net, Elia, EnBW TNG, E.ON Netz, RTE, RWE TSO and TenneT are proud to announce the incorporation of CASC-CWE (Capacity Allocation Service Company for the Central West-European Electricity market), their joint cross-border services company. Clearance from the European Commission was obtained on August 14th, thus opening the way for this important leap towards integrating the five electricity markets into a regional electricity market for Central-West Europe.

The creation of CASC-CWE is one of the actions following up the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of June 2007 between the Ministries, regulators, TSOs, power exchanges and representatives of the market participants of the five countries.

Transmission System Operators of the five countries have been intensely working to the realization of their ambitious goals.

CASC-CWE will, as a service company, act as a single auction office to implement and operate services for the yearly and monthly allocation of power transmission capacity on the common borders between the five countries based on standardized systems and rules.

“The company will ease cross-border power exchanges for all market parties in the Central West European electricity market. Thanks to this initiative liquidity and competition in the five markets will increase”, declared Corné Meeuwis, Chief Executive Officer of CASC-CWE. First auctions will take place at the end of November.

CASC-CWE is a Public Company Limited by shares (SA), incorporated under Luxembourg Law with its registered office 2 rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg Hamm. Its shareholders are the 7 Transmission System Operators of the CWE region.

Website: www.casc-cwe.eu
Contact: contact@casc-cwe.eu
Phone: +352 27 62 38 01

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