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EnBW building two more large-scale photovoltaic projects in Brandenburg

Solar energy without state funding for around 90,000 households / Excavation works accompanied by archaeological dig / tons of ordinance recovered / Germany’s largest solar park Weesow-Willmersdorf already completed nearby
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Fence construction for the Gottesgabe solar park, source: EnBW

Karlsruhe/Brandenburg. EnBW is building two more subsidy-free large-scale photovoltaic projects in Brandenburg with a capacity of 150 megawatts (MW) each. These follow on from Germany’s largest solar park, Weesow-Willmersdorf, which EnBW has already completed in Werneuchen, Brandenburg. The two new projects each occupy roughly 125 hectares and are located just under 40 kilometres away in the Märkisch-Oderland district, in Alttrebbin and Gottesgabe.

“By expanding solar energy, we can substantially advance the energy transition,” explained Thorsten Jörß, Head of Photovoltaic Project Development at EnBW, adding that an annual increase of at least 10 gigawatts of solar energy is needed in order to achieve the German target of generating 65 percent of all power from renewable sources by 2030. “The two subsidy-free solar parks in Alttrebbin and Gottesgabe will make a major contribution to the energy transition without any extra cost to consumers in the form of the surcharge under the Renewable Energy Sources Act,” Jörß continued.

EnBW expects construction to take one year. A total of 700,000 solar panels will be installed in the two parks. Arithmetically speaking, that is enough to supply around 90,000 households with green power. About 200,000 tons of CO2 emissions will be avoided each year.

Over 40 companies involved

The two solar parks are being built in parallel. Over 40 companies are involved in their construction. Schletter Solar is supplying the substructure. Bifacial solar panels from LONGi Solar not only capture direct solar radiation but also generate power from indirect sunlight reflected onto the rear of the panel. The central inverters are from Siemens. EnBW has also contracted a large number of local firms from Brandenburg for access roads, cabling, waste disposal, surveying, construction site environmental monitoring, agricultural services and other tasks.

EnBW is building its own substations to connect the installations to the grid. Two 110-kilovolt underground cables will run to the Metzdorf Nord substation belonging to regional grid operator e.dis on the B167 road linking Gottesgabe and Metzdorf.

Archaeologist on site – and over 100 horseshoes found

As EnBW project managers Jens Darocha and Philipp Hermann both know from experience, “Every construction site has its own unique features.” The site in Gottesgabe may lead to the unearthing of archaeological artefacts. Accordingly, EnBW is working closely with the historic monuments authority. An archaeologist is also on-site during the excavation works. The explosive ordnance clearance team has recovered tons of ordnance at both sites. They also found over a hundred horseshoes. “Let’s hope they bring us luck for the construction work – and plenty of sunshine,” says Herrmann.

About EnBW

With a workforce of more than 24,000 employees, EnBW is one of the largest energy supply companies in Germany and Europe. It supplies electricity, gas, water and energy solutions as well as energy industry services to around 5.5 million customers. EnBW has made solar energy a pillar of its renewable energy portfolio alongside onshore and offshore wind power generation. EnBW plans that by the end of 2025, half of its generation portfolio will consist of renewables. It operates at every stage of the value chain in ground-mounted photovoltaic power systems.

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Fence construction for the Gottesgabe solar park, source: EnBW
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