New date for EnBW Annual General Meeting
Karlsruhe. In view of the spread of the coronavirus, the Executive Board of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG decided not to hold this year’s Annual General Meeting as planned on 12 May 2020.
The new date has now been set for 17 July 2020. The Annual General Meeting will be held entirely as a virtual event. Transmission begins at 10am. The official agenda is expected to be published in the Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette) and on the EnBW website on 10 June 2020.
Advance dividend payment already made
A dividend proposal of €0.70 per share was announced for the 2019 financial year at the annual press conference on 26 March 2020.
Due to the postponement of the Annual General Meeting, the EnBW Executive Board and Supervisory Board decided to pay the an advance payment of €0.35 against distributable profit. Following today’s approval by the Supervisory Board, the advance payment will be paid out to shareholders on 14 May 2020. With 270,855,027 eligible no-par value shares, this corresponds to just under €95 million. The remaining half of the proposed dividend is to be paid out three business days following the Annual General Meeting resolution and therefore on 22 July 2020.