Publication of business figures 2023
With its integrated portfolio, EnBW has consistently aligned activities in the last few years to the opportunities of the energy transition. The company successfully continued this trajectory in the past 2023 financial year. The good business result will enable significantly increase in investments in the implementation the energy transition over the years ahead. The focus here is on the further expansion of renewables and network infrastructure and on modernizing our dispatchable power plant capacity. However, it also intends to invest and grow further in the area of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the distributed energy transition in people’s homes.
- Adjusted EBITDA increased to EUR 6.4 billion despite volatile conditions
- Significant increase in adjusted EBITDA is largely due to positive developments in the segment Sustainable Generation Infrastructure
- Integrated business portfolio contributes to financial stability and growth
- €5 billion invested in accelerated energy transition
- Carbon neutrality by 2035 as clear goal and strategic compass
- In Renewable Energies, some 300 MW of wind power and photovoltaics were newly commissioned in 2023
- Planned gross investments of €40 billion by 2030, around 90% of which will be in Germany
Our aim and ambition is to successfully link together the three cross-cutting goals of energy supply – sustainability, security of supply and affordability – in the interests both of the energy transition and of consumers. As Germany’s only remaining major integrated energy company, we cover all stages of the value chain. We understand each and every stage, as well as the linkages between them, from generation to grids to customers. This is why we see ourselves as having an overarching responsibility.
Recording of the annual press conference
The recording is only available in German
Press material
Georg Stamatelopoulos, Source: EnBW / Photographer: Catrin Moritz
Thomas Kusterer, Source: EnBW / Photographer: Catrin Moritz
Offshore wind farm Baltic 2, Source: EnBW, Photographer: Jörn Tirgrath
Onshore wind farm Valeco, Source: EnBW
Solar park Müssentin, Source: EnBW, Photogarfer: Paul Langrock
Fast charging park Kamen, Source: EnBW, Photographer: Endre Dulic
Combined heat and power plant Stuttgart-Münster, Source: EnBW
Network operator Netze BW, source: EnBW, Photographer: Simone Böttcher